1.) Comparison of planning and costing effort

Bihler LEANTOOL tool kit for standardized radial and progressive forming tools

2.) Comparison of throughput time for tool implementation

Bihler LEANTOOL tool kit for standardized radial and progressive forming tools

3.) Comparison of initial commissioning time (= machine downtime)

Bihler LEANTOOL tool kit for standardized radial and progressive forming tools

4.) Comparison of production costs for bending tool

Bihler LEANTOOL tool kit for standardized radial and progressive forming tools

5.) Comparison of setup time

Bihler LEANTOOL tool kit for standardized radial and progressive forming tools

6.) Comparison of machine and tool technology*

Bihler LEANTOOL tool kit for standardized radial and progressive forming tools

Technical recommendations

R60 on RM-NC / R100 on GRM-NC

  • Strip dimensions (max.): approx. 2mm × 40mm / 2mm × 60mm
  • Wire diameters (max.): approx. 4mm / 6mm
  • Main working area diameter: 60mm (RM-NC) / 100mm (GRM-NC)
    If the bends are within the main working area, the formed part can generally be mapped with the modular tool kit.
  • Up to approx. 8 bends for the bending part
    (for >8 bends the linear principle is recommended)


L250 on GRM-NC, LM machines and BIMERIC Modular

  • Strip thickness: from approx. 0.3mm up to approx. 2mm
  • Strip width: max. 80mm
  • Module length: 250mm