Calculable, fast, value-adding

Optimize the efficiency of your precision parts and tool active parts. With our modern Balzers coating plant we can offer you six different hard material coatings for various materials and tasks. Fixed coating times for each coating type guarantee shortest and calculable delivery times.


Your advantages

  • Broad application range and excellent wear resistance of the coatings.
  • Higher productivity due to decisive increase in tool active parts.
  • Excellent coating adhesion, better demolding behaviour and higher surface quality of the precision parts.
  • Reduction in abrasive and adhesive wear

No coatings will be applied between 14.06. - 03.07.24!

Request form

With our coating calendar and our hard material coatings we guarantee shortest delivery times and optimum layer quality.

Please send us your request.


What is the sum of 5 and 9?

Bihler coatings

Increase your productivity with Bihler coatings.


Bastian Hartmann
Sales Customer Support

Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik 
GmbH & Co. KG
Lechbrucker Str. 15
87642 Halblech

Tel.: +49(0)8368/18-296 